Install and Use Linkfinder to Find Hidden Links in JavaScript Files [2024]

Install and Use Linkfinder to Find Hidden Links in JavaScript Files


In the world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats is key. One essential tool for security experts is Linkfinder. But what is Linkfinder, and why is it so important? 

Linkfinder helps find hidden links in JavaScript files. These links often lead to sensitive parts of a website. By finding these links, security experts can uncover potential vulnerabilities. This makes it easier to protect websites from attacks.

It is popular among bug hunters and ethical hackers. It helps them spot weaknesses that others might miss. This tool is a crucial part of any cybersecurity toolkit.

In this article, we’ll dive into what Linkfinder is and how it works. We’ll explore why it’s a favorite among bug hunters and hackers. You’ll learn about the types of vulnerabilities it can find. We’ll also guide you through installing and using it. By the end, you’ll see why Linkfinder is a must-have for anyone serious about web security.

Stay with us as we uncover the power of Linkfinder. Let’s make the web a safer place, one link at a time.


Linkfinder is a powerful tool designed to find hidden links in JavaScript files. It scans through the code and identifies URLs that might be missed during manual reviews. These URLs often lead to important parts of a web application, which can be potential targets for attackers. It is Python-based, making it easy to use and integrate with other cybersecurity tools. It helps security experts and ethical hackers uncover potential entry points for attacks. By revealing these hidden links, it aids in protecting websites from various threats. It supports different output formats like CLI and HTML, making the analysis flexible and accessible. Whether you’re a bug hunter looking for vulnerabilities or a security professional conducting a thorough web application review, It is an essential tool. Its ability to uncover obscure URLs ensures a higher level of security for web applications, making it a valuable asset in the field of cybersecurity.


Bug hunters and ethical hackers love Linkfinder for many reasons. 

  • It saves time. Manually searching for hidden links in JavaScript files is slow and tedious. Linkfinder does this quickly and efficiently.
  • It finds hidden URLs that are easy to miss. These URLs can reveal sensitive parts of a website. Finding them can uncover serious vulnerabilities.
  • It is easy to use. Its Python base makes it simple to integrate with other tools. This flexibility is a big plus for security professionals.
  • It also supports various output formats. Users can choose to see results in the command line or in an HTML file. This makes analysis straightforward and accessible.

In short, Linkfinder is a vital tool. It helps bug hunters and ethical hackers find and fix security issues faster and more effectively. This makes the web safer for everyone.


Linkfinder helps uncover various vulnerabilities in web applications. By finding hidden URLs, it reveals potential security weaknesses. Here are the main types of vulnerabilities it can detect.

  • Sensitive Information Exposure: Linkfinder scans JavaScript files for URLs that may lead to sensitive data. This includes API endpoints, configuration files, and databases. A URL might point to a file with user passwords or credit card information. Finding this link helps prevent data breaches.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Linkfinder identifies URLs where user input is processed. These URLs can be targets for XSS attacks, where attackers inject malicious scripts. A URL for a search function might allow users to input JavaScript code. If this code executes, it can steal user data or manipulate the website.
  • Open Redirects: Linkfinder detects URLs that redirect users to other sites. Open redirects can be exploited to send users to malicious websites. An attacker could use a found URL to redirect users to a phishing site, tricking them into revealing personal information.
  • Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF): Linkfinder uncovers URLs that can be used to make requests to internal systems. These requests can bypass security measures. A URL might allow an attacker to access internal services, leading to unauthorized data access or manipulation.
  • API Key and Token Exposure: Linkfinder scans for URLs containing API keys or tokens. These keys and tokens can be used to access services and data. An exposed API key in a URL can be used by attackers to make unauthorized API requests, causing data leaks or service disruptions.
  • Command Injection: Linkfinder identifies URLs that may be vulnerable to command injection. Attackers can exploit these to execute arbitrary commands on the server. A URL might accept user input that is directly used in a system command. If not properly sanitized, this can lead to full server compromise.


Installing Linkfinder on Kali Linux is straightforward. Follow these simple steps to get started.

Install and Use Linkfinder to Find Hidden Links in JavaScript Files

Step 1: Before installing anything, ensure your system is up-to-date. Open your terminal and run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

This updates your package lists and upgrades existing packages.

Step 2: It is a Python-based tool. Verify that Python is installed by running:

python3 --version

If Python is not installed, install it with:

sudo apt-get install python3

Step 3: Pip is the package installer for Python. Check if pip is installed:

pip3 --version

If it’s not installed, install it using:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Step 4: Now, install it using git. In your terminal, type:

git clone

This command downloads and installs Linkfinder and its dependencies.

Step 5: Now, move to the directory of linkfinder.

cd linkFinder

Step 6: Now, use the following command to install a LinkFinder requirement.

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 7: Run the file to finish the installation.

sudo python3 install

Step 8: Ensure Linkfinder is installed correctly by checking its version:

linkfinder --version

This command should display the installed version of Linkfinder, confirming the installation.

Step 9: To run Linkfinder, use a simple command structure. For example, to analyze a JavaScript file, type:

linkfinder -i -o cli

Replace with any target website. The -i flag specifies the input file, and -o cli outputs the results in the command line.


Once it is installed on Kali Linux, using it effectively is crucial. Below is a detailed guide on how to use it with simple commands and options.

  • Basic Command Structure
    It uses a command-line interface. The basic command structure is:
    linkfinder -i <input_file> -o <output_format> 
    Replace <input_file> with your target JavaScript file and <output_format> with your preferred format (cli or html).
  • Analyze a Single JavaScript File
    linkfinder -i /path/to/your/file.js -o cli
    This command scans the specified JavaScript file and outputs the results in the command line.
  • Save Results to an HTML File
    linkfinder -i /path/to/your/file.js -o html -o output.html
    This command saves the results to an HTML file named output.html
  • Scan a Directory of JavaScript Files
    linkfinder -i /path/to/your/directory -o cli -d

    The -d flag tells it to scan all JavaScript files in the specified directory.
  • Use Regular Expressions to Customize Searches
    linkfinder -i /path/to/your/file.js -r “regex_pattern” -o cli
    Replace “regex_pattern” with your custom regular expression to refine your search.
  • Scan a Website Directly
    linkfinder -i -o cli

    Replace with the target website URL. It will download and analyze all JavaScript files found on the specified web page.
  • Save Results to an HTML File
    linkfinder -i -o html -o results.html
    This command saves the results of the website scan to an HTML file named results.html
  • Scan a Specific Web Page
    linkfinder -i -o cli
    This scans a specific page on the website, which can be useful if you want to focus on certain parts of the site.
  • Excluding Specific Files
    linkfinder -i /path/to/your/directory -o cli -d –exclude somefile.js

    The –exclude option allows you to exclude specific files from the scan.
  • Verbose Output
    linkfinder -i /path/to/your/file.js -o cli -v
    The -v flag enables verbose output, providing more detailed information.
  • Using with Burp Suite
    • Export JavaScript files from Burp Suite.
    • Analyze the exported files with Linkfinder.
      linkfinder -i /path/to/burp_exported_file.js -o cli
  • Find All Links in a JavaScript File
    linkfinder -i /var/www/html/app.js -o cli

    This scans the ‘app.js’ file in the specified directory.
  • Output Results in HTML for Better Visualization
    linkfinder -i /var/www/html/app.js -o html -o results.html
    This saves the scan results in an HTML file named ‘results.html’.

It is a powerful tool for uncovering hidden URLs in JavaScript files, which can reveal potential vulnerabilities. By using the commands and options detailed above, you can effectively analyze and secure web applications. 


Linkfinder is a powerful tool for ethical hackers and bug hunters. It helps find hidden URLs in JavaScript files. These URLs can reveal vulnerabilities in web applications. Understanding how to install and use Linkfinder is crucial for effective web security.

It is easy to install on Kali Linux. By following a few simple steps, you can set it up quickly. Ensure your system is up-to-date and has Python and pip installed. Then, install Linkfinder using pip. Verify the installation to confirm everything is set up correctly.

Using it is straightforward. You can analyze single files, directories, or even entire websites. Basic commands allow you to scan and output results in different formats. Advanced options help customize searches and exclude specific files. It integrates well with other tools, making it versatile.

Finding vulnerabilities like sensitive information exposure, XSS, open redirects, SSRF, API key exposure, and command injection is crucial. It uncovers these issues by scanning hidden URLs. This helps in securing web applications from potential threats.

Regularly updating it ensures you have the latest features. Automating scans can save time and ensure continuous security monitoring. Integrating Linkfinder with other tools enhances your cybersecurity efforts.

In summary, it is an essential tool for anyone serious about web security. It is easy to install and use, and it provides detailed insights into potential vulnerabilities. By incorporating it into your security toolkit, you can better protect web applications from various threats.

Stay proactive with your cybersecurity efforts. Use Linkfinder to uncover hidden URLs and secure your web applications. This will help make the web a safer place for everyone. Happy hunting!

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